
Detoxing Perfectionism Workbook

A workbook for detoxing perfectionism and reclaiming your self-worth

This go at your own pace printable 6 module, informative workbook (73 pages) will empower you to detox perfectionism and take back control of your stress and anxiety levels in turn transforming your life.



Over 6 modules you will learn to:
  1. Understand the nitty gritty of perfectionism and how it is stressing you out big time.
  2. Uncover where perfectionism comes from and the 3 ways it is keeping you stuck.
  3. Dive deep into the emotional and mental triggers that drives your perfectionistic behaviours.
  4. Change your perfectionistic behaviours from the inside out.
  5. Challenge your need for overachievement and reclaim your self-worth.
  6. Put all that you have learned together and create long term change and a much calmer and happier you.