
Mindset Reset Program

Helping you to let go of the old beliefs and baggage holding you back from YOUR potential

Would you like to discover where your limiting beliefs come from and actually rewire them?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by negative emotions and wonder where their coming from?

Do you want to feel stronger, calmer, confident and more connected to your true self?

Well.. did you know that our life experiences and the memories associated with them impacts our lives every single day?

It is our past memories and suppressed emotions held in our subconscious mind which is what dictates our emotional experience now, how we react and how we feel internally about who we are.

Tell me!

What is Timeline Therapy?

The sum total of our life experiences and the memories associated with them impact on how we approach our lives now, day to day. It’s “the stuff” from the past that keeps us less than fulfilled and stops us from achieving the results we want. You have unlimited potential and Time Line Therapy™ helps you to let go of the old beliefs and emotions (baggage) holding you back from that potential.

Time Line Therapy™ uses your individual own internal “Time Line” by working with your Unconscious Mind in a number of ways which includes healing emotional traumas and eliminating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours in minutes rather than days, months or years. Time Line Therapy means that finally, you can have freedom from your past allowing you to create your future by design!

The concept of a Time Line isn’t something that’s new. It was Aristotle, in Physics IV, who was the first to mention the “stream of time”. Also back in the early 1890’s, William James talked about the linear memory storage.  The latest development in NLP, Time Line Therapy® techniques are a revolutionary and powerfully effective method for creating lasting change.

Time Line Therapy ® is so highly regarded that the Council of Psychotherapy in Croatia asked to be trained  in Time Line Therapy ® so they could assist many of the victims of the war who were enduring  post traumatic stress disorder.

Time Line Therapy ® has been so successful in producing results that it has been utilised for over a decade by thousands of people including psychologists, psychiatrists, life coaches, business coaches and sports coaches. 

Timeline Therapy Packages

Mindset Reset Program

Over 6 x Timeline Therapy sessions we will work together to rewire limiting beliefs and release negative emotions getting in the way of you feeling calm, confident and empowered.

Timeline Therapy is the process I personally went through to help me finally release the limiting beliefs and fears I felt caged by. I remember one day having such an intense fear of judgement and a feeling of not being enough in the pit of my stomach, and after Timeline Therapy it was gone. Literally like magic! This is why I now offer this powerful process as a part of the work I do.

My wish for you is that you too can experience the freedom of letting go of beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Tell me more!

How does Timeline Therapy session work?

Common Questions

You will come into my clinic at Bull Creek or meet me over Skype where we will have a chat for half an hour to uncover the limiting beliefs, negative life patterns, and negative emotions holding you back from living the life you want to create for yourself. After identifying what you would like to focus on in this sessions, you will then lay down face up on a comfortable massage table.

I will then proceed to induce you into a relaxed state, and then move into the Timeline Therapy™ process. This process is a closed eyed process where I will be asking you questions and taking you back to the first time you took on the limiting belief, or negative emotion to be shifted and resolved. Through questioning, imagery, and working together I guide you to release the old beliefs and negative emotions at the subconscious level leaving you feeling light, relaxed and free. 

Your Timeline Therapy™ appointment will go for roughly 1.5 hours, give or take a little. As this is a new process it can take some clients a little longer to go with the flow which is totally fine, it does not mean the process will be any less effective, it just requires more time, patience, and adjustment.

This really depends on what the issues you are wanting to resolve and work through. I have had clients who have had extraordinary results in little as 1 session, whereas others it has taken about 6 sessions to completely resolve and rewire the underlying limiting beliefs driving anxiety symptoms or negative behaviour cycles. This is why I do this process as a part of a 6 week program for best results.

You will one of three reactions after a treatment.

1. Immediately feel different.

2. Gradually feel different over time.

3. Feel slightly different, but not be able to describe it and then one day you wake up and think “Woah I am so different now!” 

This is an individualised experience, so your result and outcome is unique to you. After each session it takes 1 to 2 weeks for integration. Most people report feeling calmer, lighter, care-free and less stressed.

Yes these sessions can also be comfortably conducted over Skype. Skype sessions occur in the exactly the same way as in person clinic sessions, but instead face to face over Skype. 

Have any other questions? Contact me and I’ll be happy to answer.

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