
How to Create an Aligned Life

Has anyone else been feeling the pressure of the New Year to create some ‘epic’ goals to make 2020 ‘worthwhile’?  It can be easy to get pulled into New Year’s Resolutions, rushing and hustling in order to achieve all the to-do’s. Especially as everyone around you declares that THIS IS the year to make it YOUR YEAR.

This pressure can fuel the idea we are running out of time, creating a sense of urgency and a crap load of anxiety.

So this year, I have decided I am not doing it. I am choosing to live an aligned life, one that is in sync with the rhythms of my needs and values and one that is not buying into the hype and beliefs of society or others around me.

Are you with me? If you are, here are my tips on how to live a more aligned life and support more ease and flow this year.

Drop the dreaded ‘should’

Yes you heard me! Time to drop the shoulds and expectations you have been living your life by, and start thinking about what is it that you actually want!

Let me ask you a question, how many of your goals for this year already have ‘should’ attached to them? Many people I know are aiming to lose those stubborn kg’s, create a successful business, save money or get in shape. Sometimes these goals can be more about what you think you should be doing instead of what you want to be doing.

Motivation driven by ‘should’ energy does not last, not consistently or long term anyway. Which is why most gyms have a decline in attendance a couple of months into the year!

So the first thing to do is think about the areas you are allocating your time and energy to, and if it is something you really want to be doing or if you’re just doing it because you think you should?  If you want to be really happy and live an aligned life then you might have to dig deeper and assess what you truly want. This means uncovering the values that matter to you.

Know your aligned values

Your values are defined by what is most meaningful and important to you. We go after certain goals in life because of the outcome we are trying to achieve which represents our core values. This could be freedom, joy, love, spontaneity, adventure, acceptance etc. For example if you’re looking to create a successful business, or earn more money, think about what more money gives you? Is it freedom to travel or spend more time with family? What money gives you is the core value you are looking for, which is what is important to you right now.

Dig deep and ask yourself: what is really important to me?

This question will help you to connect with what you really want!

When we live our lives based on what we think we don’t really want, or what we think we should want, then we live a life based on someone else’s terms and not our own, leading to unhappiness and unfulfillment. The key is to know what values are truly important to you at this stage of your life, and start to design actions to live by them.

When you do that you begin to live a life in alignment with who you are which equals fulfilment and joy.

For me my core values right now is inner peace, balance and connection. So for 2020 I am making sure I am creating plenty of space in my day and weeks to journal, go for gentle walks in nature and connect with like minded people by attending meditation groups, and through the work I do.

Visualise and take action

Once you know exactly what you want and why, then it is time to take some action and use the power of visualisation and feeling to propel you there. When you focus on what you DO want through visualisation you spark inspiration within you, supporting you to take action which is in alignment with these feelings.

The key is to focus on how it is going to feel when you have completed your goals or living an aligned life rather than how hard it is going to be to create it or achieve your goals! Create a daily or weekly check in where you take stock of what actions you have taken that are in alignment with your values. This way you are designing your life and intentionally living a life you love!

I’d love to know what you are your 3 core values you want to align your life to this year?


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