We live in a world that tries to convince us daily that we need to have more, be more and do more. No matter where we turn there seems to be something else that is essential to us being happy. Our phones ping with constant notifications and even on silent, those little red boxes draw us back in constantly.
Even when it comes to our own wellness the clutter created in our lives can be overwhelming. Have you ever been at the point where you have this huge list of self-care tasks you need to tick off every day just so that you can feel calm and happy?
What if I told you that the secret to being calm and happy is actually about having, being and doing less not more!
This clutter in our lives, in the form of things, obligations and digital noise can mean we get to the point where we don’t have any space left for the moments of silence. The moments where we can start to hear our heart and soul talking to us. The vital moments where the messages about what we really need to do to find joy and fulfilment are being whispered in our ear.
Letting go of things that no longer align with us is a powerful thing to do but can also be difficult. After all, how do we choose what to let go of and what to keep? One of the most effective ways to choose is to spend some time thinking about how the thing or obligation (or even person) makes you feel. Does it fill you with joy and lightness or does it feel heavy and uncomfortable? I am sure you can guess which one you need to keep and which you need to let go of.
When we start to let go of these non-aligned things we get the benefit of:
- Quality rather than quantity – filling our lives with the things that really light us up rather than jam packing our days with every thing possible will absolutely lead to a more fulfilling life. Imagine if you could strip out everything that feels weighty for you and the result that would have for you.
- Less anxiety and stress – running from one obligation to another puts our minds and our bodies under massive amounts of stress, increasing anxiety as well as other physical symptoms. The easiest way to turn this around is to start to let go of all the unnecessary things.
- Open to new opportunities – we only have so much time and energy in our days and lives. Saying yes to everything means we chew up all that time and energy so when the perfect opportunities do come along we either turn them down or take them on and feel even more overwhelmed.
- Feeling aligned and more joyful – after all isn’t this what we all want at our core? To live a life that means you are spending every day saying yes to the things that are perfect for you, knowing that every thing that comes into your world is attuned to your journey.
So, let’s start creating some space and letting go! Easier said than done right? Here are my 5 tips for using your time and energy more mindfully:
- Make the time you have productive – if you are working then set yourself up for focused work time (limit distractions, create a plan, get motivated). If you are engaging in a hobby or spending time with family or friends then turn your work brain off. Whatever you are doing right now do that wholeheartedly rather than trying to do everything at once.
- Social media breaks – yes socials are a major part of our lives, without them we can often feel like we are missing out on what is going on in the world. But you know what? Everything is still going to be there when you get back. Whether it’s an hour or a weekend, taking some time out from social media is one of the best ways to give yourself some thinking space and re-evaluate where you want to put your time and energy.
- Moments of nothing – when was the last time you did nothing? I mean absolutely nothing, other than sit and breathe. Not drinking a cup of tea, not meditating, not walking, just stopping and taking a pause from the world. Regular moments of nothing are like the micro naps our brains need to reboot and continue on with our days.
- Connect with nature – there have been a range of studies on the benefits of connecting with nature and it’s one of the best ways we can get some perspective on our lives. In nature you can shut down a lot of the ‘noise’ that bombards you every moment of the day. Whether it’s going and standing barefoot on the earth or taking a hike, any connection with nature is beneficial. Studies have even show that even merely looking at nature can impact our mental and physical wellbeing.
- Nurture your body – only you know what nurtures your body best. It might be soaking in the ocean, having a kinesiology session, meditating or using your favourite moisturiser. There will be at least one thing that comes to mind straight away and it is something that you should absolutely be doing more often than you currently are!
But I can’t let go of it!
So, there are some things that you feel like you committed to and now you just can’t let go of them? Maybe it’s something you agreed to help a friend or family member with or a work obligation. It’s always easier to say no as a first response rather than change your mind after you already said yes.
The first thing I want you to know is that it is ok to say no, it is ok to say ‘sorry I changed my mind’. The second thing is that the other person may be disappointed, angry or upset but their emotions are not your responsibility. As harsh as this sounds if you are suffering from overwhelm or anxiety then putting yourself at the end of the priority list is the last thing you should be doing so you may have to decide to put someone else there instead.
When we hold onto things that are clearly wrong for us we are stopping ourselves from taking the path we are meant to be walking and limiting our success and happiness in life. For now, your first step may be assessing all the things you have already said yes to that really aren’t right for you. Once you do this then you have the opportunity to ensure that going forward you only say yes to things that are aligned with your happiness and fulfilment.