
The Power of our Heart to Reduce Stress & Access Intuition

Our heart is so incredibly powerful, yet so many of us have been unable to tap into its power to reduce stress and access higher intuition – myself included!

Throughout history in Chinese Philosophy, the heart has been referred to as the “seat of the soul” or the ’emperor’ because of its ability to govern the entire kingdom (body). It is also the first organ developed in a fetus. Therefore one might think of it as the interface between our Non-Physical Soul and our Physical Body.

For many of us we are already aware of our heart’s power when we tell our friends and family to “follow your heart”, “listen to your heart”, “tune into your heart” and do what you are passionate about. We know on some deeper level that when we lead from the heart, we live a life full of joy, gratitude, love, compassion, and fulfilment, but we don’t value it enough. These emotions are the language of the heart.

Did you know that when you are feeling these positive emotions you are literally activating your heart’s intelligence and power?

According to Heart Math Institute who has been researching the heart and scientifically proving its power since 1991, says:

“Our heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of our bodies, and it is through this field that we connect to our highest intelligence (our intuition).”

Our heart also contains its own independent nervous system, comprised of over 40,000 neurons and is ‘pre cognitive’ which means that our heart feels six seconds before our brain thinks! So when you feel someone’s ‘anger’ or ‘stress’ energy, your hearts intuitive intelligence is picking this information up before your brain can even analyze it. Pretty cool huh?

Benefits of Your Heart’s Intelligence

When you are connecting to your heart’s intelligence not only do you connect to its intuition, you also gain other benefits. Such as a calmer mind, less stress, activate positive hormonal release, reduce inflammation, sleep better, access positive emotions quicker and become a happier human being.

The problem is many of us value our brain’s intelligence more than our heart’s intelligence. We value smarts, being right, analytical thinking, logic and feeding our ego over living from our heart space. This keeps us stuck in fear and survival 24/7. We live a life based on expectations, self-pressure and what we think we ‘should’ be doing, rather than living a life in alignment with the truth of our hearts.

Connecting to Your Heart

Creating a connection with your heart takes time. It isn’t something that happens over night, but the more you take time to connect with it, the stronger this connection becomes. Then the quicker you can access the benefits that go along with it.

The amazing thing is that when you start to create a strong connection to your heart you also access the limitless wisdom and insight beyond the human brain. This is known as intuitive intelligence. Such as knowing what decisions to make, what path or direction to take in your business, what step to take next, manifest what you desire etc.

This inner knowing communicates with us through intuitive senses such as clairvoyance (sight), clairaudience (sound), claircognizance (thought) and clairsentience (feeling). These intuitive senses are not just for psychics, everyone can access this intelligence through the heart! I will go deeper into this in another blog.

Practice Connecting to Your Heart

To start accessing our heart’s intuitive intelligence and reaping its benefits, we need to make space to connect with it. To drop out of the mind (logic) and into the heart space (feeling) so our minds can get out of the way and we can allow our hearts to rule. Remember the emotions of the heart is gratitude, compassion, joy, love, and appreciation. So the more you feel these emotions, the more you are amplifying your heart’s electromagnetic field and tuning into its power.

Tip: Spend 5 minutes appreciating what you have in your life. The key here is to feel the gratitude and appreciation. There is no point rattling off one gratitude after the next without feeling it. The heart is an emotional intelligence, not a cognitive intelligence. I like to put on some high vibe music that gets me into a positive emotional state then I start off with “I am so thankful for…”. It works every time!

You will know when you are fully connected with your heart because you will feel a warm, expansive feeling in your heart.

By only spending 5 minutes connecting with your heart, you will reap the positive benefits mentioned above that lasts up to 6 hours!! How insane is that? Practice this every day and you will strengthen your heart’s connection in no time.

In the next blog I will talk about how you can start accessing your inner knowing in a more direct way and making it your ally!

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